“National Institute of Security & Safety Management”
(Complete Solution for Security Recruitment & Training)
Email : nissmmumbai@gmail.com Contact : +(91)-09969331615
Services - Security & Safety Audit

NISSM conducts’ Security, Fire and Safety Audit for corporate and industrial houses as per the requirement of  the  individual  corporate house. As the primary purpose of the audit will be to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of security measures and their compliance with prevailing Security Policy and Operational   Standards.
NISSM believes that security in isolation is less effective than a holistic approach. That’s why we recommend ensuring the effectiveness of your security program with NISSM Physical Security Audit of your entire    operation.

Security Survey
A Security Survey is a thorough physical examination of a facility and its operations with respect to personnel and company assets. We examine the risks these assets are exposed to, and review the measures that are in place to protect them and to mitigate liability. We identify vulnerabilities and make recommendations on how these can be improved. This can be relevant for new locations or existing facilities, particularly after a loss or incident has occurred.

Security Audits
A Security Audit differs from a survey in that it is a process to assess whether an existing security system and procedures are operating to set of standards or criteria they were designed to. It evaluates the administration of the system, security awareness of employees, the management controls and compliance with standards. This is a valuable tool to give an accurate overview to the senior management.

Fire Audit
A comprehensive fire safety audit covers various aspects which are related to operation and maintenance of the facilities and even the review of inherent fire hazards associated with the normal day to day business operations. Therefore a team of experienced experts with the understanding of  basic  fire  safety  principles,  fire  safety  audit  technique  are  deployed  to  carry out fire safety audits.

Preparations of SOPs for Corporate
With the vast experience of the consultants we help put together an effective SOP, which could help the organisation function effectively.


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